
The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in History (PPGHIST) is structured with a concentration area in History and Culture in the Amazon, along with two research lines, namely: Culture, Memory, and Power Relations, and History Teaching, Narratives, and Documents. It is integrated into academic research activities aimed at high-quality professional training, following one of the guiding principles of the Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará (Unifesspa). The Academic Master's in History at Unifesspa is committed to developing academic-professional training as a permanent foundation for its activities. Thus, the course serves as a platform through which university actions reach various social segments, as it promotes the qualification of professionals working (or intending to work) in diverse areas, particularly in education (basic and/or higher education) in the region. PPGHIST is expanding and consolidating the teaching-research-extension tripod in a region historically characterized by diversity of actors, ideas, tensions, and political disputes in various directions. Therefore, the Program fulfills the role of teacher training at the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate level in History, aiming to enhance the professional, academic, and personal quality of future scholars. Its objectives are focused on expanding historical consciousness, influencing actions in the public sphere through improved teaching practices.

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: No available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: No available at this moment


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