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Narratives and memories in disputes
Data: 15/12/2022
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This dissertation aims to analyze information, data and documents produced by the Armed Forces, in search of traces of cases of serious human rights violations practiced in the Guerrilha do Araguaia in the 1970s. The Guerrilha do Araguaia was a revolutionary movement that tried to weaken the national political system implemented by the military, through armed struggle, but which actually became the scene of a wave of murders, disappearances, among other insurgencies, moved by the Armed Forces. Using document analysis of reports on the execution of military operations, in addition to bibliographical references, the research has as its background the presence of repression in the Araguaia-Tocantins territory. As a result, it is clear that military operations tried to mask the political domination of certain regional groups, especially with the presence of the Army as a force of repression against all those who were against 'sovereignty', still using the Armed Forces as an instrument of intelligence and co-option in the region's political-social scenario.
The present research is the result of reflections made around the presence of indigenous women at the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Para – Unifesspa, where certain peculiarities can be perceived regarding the relationship arising from the affirmative actions developed in the institution. With this, we intend, through this research, to highlight the female and indigenous protagonism in the university considering their narratives, and within these elements we understand the forms of agency that these women experience at Unifesspa, and also identify dialogues between Marabá, Unifesspa and the MãeMaria, considering that she represents a majority in the institution.
Data: 14/12/2022
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Indigenous women, Unifesspa, Marabá, Mãe-Maria indigenous land
HERITAGE EDUCATION IN HISTORY TEACHING: the Feast of the Holy Spirit in the 21st century, in the city of Marabá (PA)
Data: 14/12/2022
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This dissertation brings a study of the Festa do Divino Espírito Santo and its cultural practices in the city of Marabá (PA), questioning the patrimonial potential of the Festival, as well as the possibility of operating Heritage Education and the Festa do Divino as a strategy to teach the “local history”. In order to understand the occurrence of the Festa do Divino in Marabá, we used ethnography and the methodology of Oral History as a methodology, through which we developed a "participant observation" of the parties, and oral life history interviews, with thematic clippings, along with to divine leaders. From a historical perspective, the Festa was approached and analyzed not as a static past, but as something that meets the demands and representations of a social group in the present. We highlight the path of constitution of the modern notion of Cultural Heritage, which is mobilized together with the conception of popular culture and intangible heritage. Important items to reflect the notion of cultural references and the significance of the Festa do Divino for a part of the Maraba community. From these data and considering the status of Intangible Heritage of the Municipality conquered by the festivity, we investigated the presence or not of the Festa do Divino Espírito Santo and its narratives, in History classes from the 6th to the 9th year of Elementary School, at EMEF Profa. Judith Gomes Leitão, located in the Marabá Pioneira Nucleus.
PUBLIC PHOTOGRAPHY: Marabá (PA) through the photographic collection of the Manoel Domingues Historical Archive (FCCM)
Data: 29/11/2022
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This dissertation has as background the daily life and history of Marabá (PA) seen through the photographs of the Arquivo Histórico Manoel Domingues, located in the physical space of the Fundação Casa da Cultura de Marabá (FCCM), whose objective was to analyze the photographs belonging to the institution's photographic collection. We sought to understand its action as a cultural memory, and how these images portray, symbolize and subjectify particularities of the history and daily life of the city of Marabá (PA). The hypothesis was based on the principle that the photographic images analyzed, from the Arquivo Histórico Manoel Domingues, record and attest to fragments of the historical memory and cultural practices of the city of Marabá (PA). The research became significant to society, in the sense that the photographic collections narrate the history and daily life of the city and society of Marabá. Potentializing, therefore, the role that the institution has in the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage. The methodological procedure was based on a qualitative research method. The contact with the photographic collection surprised us positively, due to the amount of meanings they were able to provide us, due to the characters that were discovered through the interviews. The investigation materialized the meeting of facts of the action of these photographs as cultural memory, and, as they portrayed, symbolized and subjectivated particularities of the history and daily life of the city of Marabá (PA). The photographs made it possible to reveal a range of daily experiences of the Marabaense population. With the results obtained, we realized the need to continue the study, carrying out a survey, inventorying imagery documents and casting our eyes on so many other collections guarded by the Arquivo Histórico Manoel Domingues, related to other funds. The expectation is that this research will reach social relevance and serve as a contribution to the preservation of the cultural memory of the city of Marabá (PA).
Data: 13/10/2022
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A partir da segunda metade do seculo XIX é possivel perceber um crescente movimento de buscas por liberdade cativa por todo o império brasileiro. Diversas ferramentas foram forjadas e utilizadas para que a abolição fosse alcançada pelas diferentes províncias que o constituiam e, nesse mister, a crescente influência da imprensa no cenário nacional tornou-se fundamental para a abolição do elemento servil. Assim, o presente estudo realiza um exame analítico através de periódicos que circulavam nas províncias grão-paraense e, em menor medida, na província cearense apontando para alguns contornos dos movimentos pela abolição através dos ideais de liberdade que transitavam pelo império, bem como, a representação e mobilização da figura de Luiz Gama nesses espaços de atuação. Nossas análises nos colocaram diante de diversos excertos jornalísticos que nos ajudaram a definir os contornos que a busca pela liberdade na província grão-paraense tomou entre os anos de 1870 a 1888, de igual modo, nossa preocupação acadêmica também virou-se para a busca pela representação e evocação a memória de Luiz Gama enquanto um representante/potencial simbólico de um abolicionismo que transitou entre os meios legais, a própria imprensa (já mencionada) e defesa de decisões mais enérgicas quanto a abolição do elemento servil. Desse modo, temos na construção desta pesquisa uma linha de análise que julgamos necessária para compressão de nossas hipóteses, qual seja, a apresentação da historiografia pertinente ao tema, análise de fontes jornalísticas que nos ajudam a perceber as nuances da escravidão e das bases constitutivas da abolição, com especial destaque para as províncias do Grão-Pará e Ceará e, como aspecto especifico de nossas análises, a representação e mobilização do potencial simbólico da figura de Luiz Gama nesses dois territórios.
AFRO-BRAZILIAN CULTURE IN THE HISTORY TEACHING BOOK: an analysis of the collection "História Sociedade & Cidadania
Data: 26/09/2022
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This research aims to investigate how the teaching narratives on the theme of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture are addressed in textbooks of the collection "História Sociedade & Cidadania", approved by the National Textbook Program between 2008 and 2020. As a theoretical reference, we worked from the studies of Roger Chartier (2011), with the concept of representation and Mikhail Bakhtin (2014) with the concept of discourse. The documental corpus that we mobilized is composed of the History textbooks of the collection História Sociedade & Cidadania; the legislations referring to the theme, especially Law no. 10. 639/03 which establishes the compulsory teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, the Directives and Bases of National Education-LDB 9394/96, the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs) and the National Curricular Guidelines for Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, in addition to the documents of the National Fund for the Development of Education, the PNLD Edicts and Guides for the Final Years of Elementary School. The results point out that the textbooks, despite dealing with the theme, do a silencing on the participation of the black and African descendant Africans in the formation of the country. In most chapters, the contents situate the participation of blacks and afro-descendants are linked to the history of slavery, failing to situate the protagonism of the black population in the social, economic and political areas of the History of Brazil.
HISTORY TEACHING, CURRICULUM AND TEACHER TRAINING: Projects and actions to implement Federal Law 10.639/03 (Marabá/PA, 2003 to 2019)
Data: 01/09/2022
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This research presents projects and actions carried out by the Municipal Education Department of Marabá - PA regarding the implementation of Federal Law 10.639 between the years 2003 to 2019, in the teaching of History, especially about the segment described as Elementary School II. This investigation was carried out through the analysis of written documents (produced by the Municipal Department of Education) and oral documents (interviews and informal conversations). About documents, we analyze the Curriculum Proposals of the country (from 2006 and 2019, PME, Summary of historic formation, project, reports, folder/file, NUPED logbook, guidelines and training reports and management produced by training of the Secretary of Education). When reflecting on the responsibility of the municipality/SEMED in the process of implementing Federal Law 10.639, we verify that it did not show concrete commitment to implement it. The country did not create any device/policy that would guarantee its applicability. However, activities were carried out through the formation of History teachers, that is, the trainers teachers realize discussions, seminars, lectures including university teachers, movement literacies of black peoples, among others. In relation the Curriculum Proposals of 2006 and 2019, the legislation relevant to the debate appeared only in the last one, even so, without proper depth.
Data: 26/08/2022
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This dissertation discusses about the crime of sodomy from the processes of Frei Lucas de Sousa, a religious from the Convent of Nossa Senhora das Mercês de Belém, and Salvador Rodrigues, a barber in the same city. The space analyzed focuses on the State of Maranhão and Grão-Pará, where most of the of the mercedary's sexual experiences occurred; beyond, is also the space in that the summary of guilt was prepared with the sodomy charges against the religious. The analysis of the cases of sodomy practiced by Frei Lucas de Sousa concentrated since the first mention of the name of the religious, still in Portugal, in the year from 1658; until the last process that involved him, that of Salvador Rodrigues in 1662. Therefore, the processes that encompass the religious are from the second half of the 17th century.The study about the persecution of sodomites covered documents of the time, from Kingdom Ordinances to Inquisitorial Regiments that sought to outline the forms of proceed against those who carried out the "nefarious sin of sodomy" in the portuguese. In order to contemplate the Amazon space, the Amazon was debated Colonial from the relevant historiography, demonstrating how the 17th century was fundamental in the process of conquest, occupation and evangelization; and how the presence of religious, such as Frei Lucas de Sousa, were decisive for a social arrangement Amazonian. In this sense, the dissertation sought to demonstrate how the Inquisition acted in the sodomy cases in the 17th century Amazon, analyzing cases of sodomy present in the processes of Frei Lucas de Sousa and Salvador Rodrigues
O movimento de libertação dos presos, padres e posseiros do Araguaia - MLPA: das origens do conflito do Cajueiro, ao ecoar dos eventos fundiários na Amazônia paraense.
Data: 25/08/2022
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O projeto de pesquisa O movimento de libertação dos presos do Araguaia, dos antecedentes do Conflito do Cajueiro, ao ecoar dos eventos fundiários da Amazônia paraense. (1980-1984), tem o objetivo de analisar os conflitos agrários na Amazônia na década de 1980, tendo como foco de análise a localidade de Cajueiro, área do município de São Geraldo do Araguaia (sudeste do Pará), na qual os conflitos pela posse de terra tiveram uma considerável repercussão pelo envolvimentos nos mesmos de trabalhadores rurais, lideranças religiosas, fazendeiros e órgãos dos governos federal e estadual. As principais fontes a serem utilizadas para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, além das leituras teóricas e historiográficas, serão as documentais, hemerográficas, imagéticas e fontes orais.
Data: 15/06/2022
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A Educação foi palco de interesse e arena de diferentes disputas durante o governo militar (1964-1985). O Decreto-Lei nº 869, de 12 de setembro de1969, obrigou o ensino da disciplina Educação Moral e Cívica (EMC) em todos os níveis da educação brasileira. O presente texto apresenta os resultados parciais da pesquisa desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-graduação em História que se propõe a analisar como se deu o ensino de EMC na cidade de Xinguara, Pará, durante o período da ditadura militar brasileira. Para tanto, faz uso de variados documentos, como leis, decretos, Regimento Educacional, diários de classe de EMC e livro didático adotado na época. As reflexões construídas até o momento sinalizam que as questões ligadas ao ensino dos valores morais e cívicos fizeram parte das preocupações centrais de autoridades e órgãos responsáveis pela elaboração dos referidos documentos que se encarregavam de criar um conjunto de procedimentos legais para garantir a execução dos fundamentos atribuídos à disciplina EMC. Ao mesmo tempo, os diários de classe analisados mostram o universo dos registros da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF) Professor Acy de Barros Pereira sobre o planejamento didático, a seleção dos conteúdos, o sequenciamento dos temas estudados e a distribuição por bimestre letivo. Pelos registros, também foi possível compreender a configuração das turmas no que tange à composição de alunos por sexo, idade, rendimento escolar (em termos de aprovação ou não ao final do ano) e desistência.
STORIES OF PARAUAPEBAS IN THE CLASSROOM: teaching local history and the Amazon in the Chico Mendes and Carlos Drummond schools between 2014-2019
Data: 17/02/2022
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The present work aims at understanding how local history has been taught inside the contents of History as a discipline for the 6th to 9th grades of Fundamental Teaching in two state schools of the municipality of Parauapebas (PA) – Chico Mendes II and Carlos Drummond de Andrade, between the years of 2014 and 2019. The two chosen schools belong to the oldest of the town. In this work, we comprehend the teaching of History as a border place, a relevant content for the teaching of Ground Education. We have dealt with bibliographical sources which have allowed us to establish connections between Parauapebas (PA), the southeastern part of Pará and Legal Amazon. The documental corpus that we have drawn upon is composed by Pedagogical Routines, the Contents of History for the 6th to 9th grades, all of them elaborated by the Municipal Secretary of Education for the purpose of being used in state schools between the years of 2014 and 2019, along with the Political-Pedagogical Projects pertaining to the two schools, as well as interviews with three teachers and one worker from the Municipal Secretary of Education (Semed). Our upshots point to the presence of local history contents for the grades cited, with a significative concentration in the 6th to 9th grades. The curricular discipline of History counts with few classes if we take into account the amount of topics forseen in the teaching plan. In spite of the lack of class disponibility, it is possible to assign efforts to insert discussions entailing local history in connection to the Amazon and wider contexts. This matter takes place because of the lack of didactic-pedagogical material formulated for classes of local history. However, the insertion of this content in the aforementioned pedagogical routines and interviews pimpoints some formulations with this purpose.
“O RACISMO NÃO SILENCIARÁ NOSSOS TAMBORES”: O grupo Consciência Negra em Movimento, Marabá/PA (2011-2019)
Data: 28/01/2022
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O trabalho tem como objetivo primordial analisar a atuação do grupo Consciência Negra em Movimento (CNM), considerado pela sociedade marabaense como representante do Movimento Negro em Marabá/PA, em um recorte temporal que compreende os anos de 2011 a 2019, ou seja, a pesquisa priorizará os nove anos de história do CNM dentro da cidade marabaense. O grupo traz como principal bandeira de luta o combate ao racismo, à discriminação racial, à defesa e ressignificação da identidade negra e valores culturais ancestrais adjacentes, com uma manifestação mais abrangente principalmente no bairro Francisco Coelho e dentro de algumas escolas públicas e privadas de Marabá. Em busca de respostas aos questionamentos iniciais verificamos os documentos da Fundação Casa da Cultura de Marabá (FCCM) e daqueles disponibilizados pelos integrantes do próprio grupo. Com base nas fontes de pesquisa averiguamos nas narrativas sobre a história de Marabá uma forte violência com relação às minorias sociais e também a presença de um racismo estrutural, ajudando a compreender, em parte, o crescente aumento dos casos de racismo dentro da cidade, da discriminação racial, marginalização e invisibilidade de parte da população negra em Marabá.
Data: 26/01/2022
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The present work aims to analyze the feminist journal Fêmea, a periodical published between May 1992 and December 2014. Sent free of charge by Correios, it circulated nationally, its main objective was to inform feminist and women's organizations about the legislative procedures that occurred in the National Congress and could affect their rights. The aforementioned periodical was produced by the Feminist Center for Studies and Advisory Services (CFEMEA), a non-profit feminist non-governmental organization founded in 1989, headquartered in Brasília-DF. She is part of the generation of feminist organizations that fought for the redemocratization process in Brazil, proposing public policies and laws that are at the origin of the National Council for Women's Rights (CNDM). In addition to respecting the performance of the Center and its work carried out at the National Congress, this research, anchored in feminist studies on violence against women, debates the way in which Fêmea approached that subject. This theme had great achievements in its pages, with the fight for more efficient legislation to protect women in situations of violence, one of its main agendas.
Entre silêncios, ações e práticas: a Lei Federal 10.639/2003 e o Ensino de História nas Escolas Estaduais de Ensino Médio em Itupiranga/PA (2017-2019)
Data: 18/01/2022
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O presente texto apresenta resultados da pesquisa desenvolvida no âmbito de dissertação de mestrado. Neste trabalho buscamos compreender como duas escolas da rede estadual de ensino, localizadas no município de Itupiranga, estado do Pará, entre os anos de 2017 e 2019, desenvolveram ou não ações e estratégias para a implementação da Lei Federal 10.639/2003, compreendendo a persistência de um “silêncio” acerca das abordagens envolvendo a história e cultura afro-brasileira e africana tanto nos livros didáticos quanto em sala de aula. Os resultados apontaram que as duas escolas não possuem uma prática específica e efetiva para tratar das questões propostas pela Lei Federal 10.639/03 em seus projetos políticos pedagógicos, incluindo a formação de professores. Porém, as duas instituições de ensino promoviam, pelo menos de forma esporádica, eventos em alusão ao dia da Consciência Negra. Os livros didáticos, mesmo com algumas ressalvas, abordam a temática. Os docentes observaram tais mudanças, mas chamam atenção sobre a forma como ainda se prioriza a história europeia nesses manuais didáticos. Uma das questões colocadas pelos professores como entrave para suas abordagens acerca da temática encontra-se na falta de formação continuada voltada para a implementação da referida Lei e suas determinações.