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  • Identification of traces of failures in the executive procedure of floor coating with ceramic tiles: Development of a consultative tool under the aegis of Legal Engineering experts

  • Data: Apr 30, 2024
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  • A system for ceramic coating serves various purposes within a property. However, the causes of pathologies or failures in this type of system are relatively linked to the execution of the coating. With investigative techniques being refined, Investigative Engineering emerges, focusing on determining construction faults. In this vein, this study aimed to administer a questionnaire in a virtual environment to gather information regarding the procedural execution of inspections in floor coatings with ceramic tiles. The research results indicated that the respondents, Civil Engineering professionals, although not citing specific regulations or doctrines, demonstrated knowledge that, to some extent, aligned with regulations. Furthermore, it was possible to develop a manual with indications regarding traces in the aforementioned system. Finally, the use of a virtual environment proved to be a viable alternative, offering greater convenience in obtaining responses from professionals in different locations across the country.


  • Data: Feb 29, 2024
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  • With the increase in the demand for meat at the global level, Brazil starts to play a leading role on the world stage, together with this, the reformulation of legislation regarding animal mistreatment and the well-being that governs the slaughterhouse branch, becomes a looked at with a view to the use of good practices in pre-slaughter management, in order to obtain products of better final quality and to comply with current legislation and the desires of the consumer market, to comply with the legislation on humane slaughter, that is, minimizing suffering animal and providing proper euthanasia to the animal. In this scenario, this work enters the slaughterhouses located in the city of Marabá/PA, which are under official inspection, to collect data on the handling in the pre-slaughter of cattle, seeking to establish a relationship between the management in relation to the final quality of the carcass and the prevalence of animal abuse. To this end, it establishes criteria for housing the animals in the slaughter pens, fasting time and water diet, way of driving the animals, use of electrified sticks in driving the animals, stunning method and its efficiency, bleeding time, prevalence of lesions in the carcass, prevalence of cadaveric rigidity, cortisol and glucose dosage (serological) and to end the pH measurement of the carcasses after cooling, in order to establish a correlation between the pre-slaughter, the maturation of the carcasses and the prevalence of abuse in the management, creating the basis for the elaboration of a spreadsheet indicating the prevalence or not of animal abuse in the expert scope. It is estimated that establishments under official inspection develop appropriate methodologies to comply with applicable legislation regarding humane slaughter. It was demonstrated in this work that the practices of humane slaughter and animal welfare in the pre-slaughter of cattle make a great difference in the final quality of the product and that it is possible to determine whether or not there is a prevalence of animal abuse, only with the observations carried out at the time of pre-slaughter, that is, accommodation, fasting and water diet and practices for driving animals from the pen to the slaughter room. Based on this study, the observation sheet will, in the end, issue an opinion on the methodology used, confirming or ruling out the prevalence of animal abuse, which will consequently determine the presence or absence of superior quality conditions in the carcasses processed by the slaughter establishment. of cattle, being a tool for the judicial expert, official or ad hoc, in the assertiveness of the assessment, when requested by the court, on the absence or presence of animal abuse in cattle slaughter establishments.

  • Modernização dos Processos de Identificação Civil Aplicados à Polícia Civil do Estado do Pará com Utilização de Tecnologia Blockchain.

  • Data: Oct 30, 2023
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  • O presente trabalho teve como propósito apresentar um protótipo baseado em tecnologia Blockchain privada para o armazenamento de dados, especificamente, dados de identificação civil inseridos no sistema da Polícia Civil do Estado do Pará, com vistas a evitar falsificações por meio de validação usando criptografia (hashing). Por conta das características de segurança e transparência no armazenamento de dados, a Blockchain tem sido utilizada em diversas tecnologias, como a criptomoeda Bitcoin, contratos inteligentes, economia compartilhada, governança corporativa, proteção de propriedade intelectual, Internet das Coisas (IoT), na Educação, entre outros, e também no gerenciamento de identidades, foco deste trabalho. Para que se realize a emissão das identidades no Brasil é necessária a coleta de dados biométricos, especificamente, as impressões digitais. No estado do Pará, atualmente, o processo de coleta das impressões digitais para efeitos de identificação civil, criminal e post mortem, processos estes, realizados pela Polícia Civil do Pará (PC-PA) são, em sua maioria, executados de forma manual, dada a utilização de fichas de identificações nas quais são coletadas as impressões digitais entintadas em ambos os processos. Este trabalho propõe a concepção e desenvolvimento de um protótipo que possa, garantir principalmente, a segurança das informações envolvidas, especialmente sob o aspecto da integridade e autenticidade dos documentos gerados a partir das identificações civis, criminais e post mortem com utilização da tecnologia Blockchain associada ao uso de contratos inteligentes.


  • Data: Aug 31, 2023
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  • From the advances in the 20th century, due to the use of Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) and the development of new reagents for the treatment and revealing of Latent Fingerprints (LFS), new possibilities have emerged for researchers from different fields of knowledge, presenting a new direction for the treatment and analysis of LFS, such as the use of nanotechnology. Generally, their fabrication occurs through physical or chemical methods involving noble metals, but many of these methods require expensive equipment, multiple steps, and generate toxic by-products. For this reason, green synthesis has been studied and pursued by several researchers due to its rapid, cost-effective production that is environmentally friendly. Within this context, this study aims to characterize and evaluate the effect of silver nanoparticles produced from plant extracts of two species known as Jambu Acmella oleraceae and Acmella ciliata, typical plants from Pará, in order to determine their potential as revealing agents for Latent Fingerprints (LFS). The objective is to develop an efficient LFS revealing agent with relatively lower costs compared to current methods and environmentally harmless, using extracts from Acmella oleracea and Acmella ciliata, typical plants from Pará.


  • Data: Aug 31, 2023
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  • A presente dissertação tem por finalidade realizar uma análise dinâmica temporal dos autos de infração lavrados pelo ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação e Biodiversidade) e IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recusos Naturais Renováveis) no Mosaico de Carajás e sua zona de amortecimento. Para tanto, primeiramente fez-se necessário mapear a dinâmica temporal das autuações de infrações ambientais emitidas pelo IBAMA e pelo ICMBio na área compreendida pelo Mosaico de Carajás. Posteriormente, passou-se a investigar quais os preditores legais e de políticas públicas compreendidas no período de 1980 a 2021 que potencialmente impactaram no número de autos de infração expedidos. Assim, buscou-se categorizar os tipos de infrações que são cometidos com maior frequência correlacionando com fatores políticos, sociais e econômicos compreendidos na circunscrição do Mosaico de Carajás. Por fim, se pôde valiar a eficácia da fiscalização ambiental, medida pelo número de autos de infração lavrados versus a área total desmatada em cada ano no Mosaico e em sua Zona de Amortecimento, para Identificar a proporção de infrações cometidas por pessoa física e pessoa jurídica e correlacionar com as categorias de infração. Nessa perspectiva, utilizou-se o método de estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, quantitativo e retrospectivo. A compilação constante dos autos de infração serviu de base para a análise temporal dos fatores legais e das políticas publicas do respectivo período, para mapear os niveis dos danos e suas causas e as principais consequências deixadas por essas infrações para que ao final seja elaborado um parecer técnico e a criação de uma ferramenta digital (cartilha) de procedimentos para auxiliar na confecção dos autos de infração de forma efetiva.

  • The digital proof of geolocation in the Labor Court

  • Data: Aug 30, 2023
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  • The digital proof of the geolocation type emerges as another alternative in the science of law, of licit and legitimate proof, to be produced in the labor judicial process, aiming to seek the feasible truth and the conviction of the judge. The Labor Court in Brazil is a pioneer, through a digital proof program. In this reality, the question arises: How is the Labor Court in Brazil treating the digital proof of geolocation in the Judicial Processes and its reflections in the Labor Judicial Decisions? In this way, the research has the objectives: to investigate the solution and the good practices executed by the Labor Justice in the treatment of digital evidence; to identify the
    concept and normative foundation of digital proof in Brazil; analyze what is the forensic procedure for investigating digital evidence; and relate the digital proof of geolocation, with expert report or not, with the decisions of labor lawsuits. The research methodology is documental, with qualitative analysis of materials collected in Brazil, and of Decisions of Labor Lawsuits from January 2022 to June 2023, of the TST and the TRT11th Region. To filter the research sources based on open and public data, it was necessary to establish the descriptors: digital proof, electronic proof, digital proof and geolocation, geolocation, "digital chain of custody" and "Veritas system"; and establish Criteria for the Analysis of Judicial Decisions. As a result, 114 Labor Lawsuits were analyzed, and the concern of the Brazilian Labor Court to understand, dominate, use and multiply knowledge related to digital evidence was identified. But, it was found that there is a need for improvements in the validation of digital proof; there is a non-observance of the norms of archival science; the need to improve the evidentiary standard in the Labor Court; improve the mastery of the subject by lawyers; and the need for the curated repository of digital proof. In the end, fruits of this research, the technological products: the Guideline and the Preliminary Project of the General Law of Digital Evidence.

  • Tools for the preservation of water environmental crime sites: an approach directed to “first responders”.

  • Data: Aug 30, 2023
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  • The Amazon is one of the best-preserved biomes in the country, with low population density and a vast forest permeated by water resources, but threatened and exploited anthropically, through various environmental crimes. The general objective was to develop tools that help the "first responders" on the importance of isolating and preserving places of water environmental crimes. The justification for the study is that including this innovative approach can provide valuable information to train the various professionals involved in the protection of the Amazon, as well as sensitize them about the importance of isolating and preserving the location of crimes that affect water resources, service vital natural ecosystem for survival, in addition to contributing to the large gap in information and specific technical knowledge to adequately train these professionals. In view of this, the research problem is: how to develop effective tools, such as an E-book and an application, to assist the "first responders" in the preservation of sites of water environmental crimes in the Amazon based on Forensic Sciences? The methodology was based on participatory action research, focusing on the criminal investigation of environmental water crimes in the Amazon, with a qualitative approach using data collection instruments such as participant observation, questionnaires/forms and interviews. The research sought to develop and improve practical tools to assist “first responders” in the preservation of water environmental crime scenes. After defending the dissertation, several professionals involved in combating environmental crimes will be invited to evaluate the tools, ensuring the applicability and relevance of the results obtained, with subsequent publication of a scientific article.


  • Data: Aug 30, 2023
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  • A internet das coisas (do inglês internet of things - IoT) define um ambiente dinâmico e inter-relacionado de dispositivos do cotidiano e industriais conectados à internet. O crescimento de dispositivos IoT aumentou significativamente os perigos de ataques cibernéticos, levando a computação forense a um esforço continuado na superação de desafios para obter evidências confiáveis em um ambiente complexo, heterogêneo e diverso, como o ecossistema IoT. Os dispositivos vestíveis são dos mais populares nos dias de hoje. Extrair dados para análise forense digital em dispositivos IoT é um desafio, pois na sua concepção não há a preocupação com esse
    tipo de atividade, dada a inexistente padronização na escrita e coleta dos dados no ecossistema IoT. Com tantos dispositivos conectados o volume de dados armazenados e trafegado na rede são enormes, oportunizando o levantamento de evidências em várias fases de um processo de análise forense. Apesar disso, a falta de padrão na escrita e leitura dos dados eleva a dificuldade de se obter registros relacionáveis de maneira simples e mantendo a integridade dos dispositivos, o que poderia acelerar o processo de resolução de um crime cibernético. Este trabalho visa definir procedimentos para análise de evidências forenses em dispositivos vestíveis do tipo smartwatches, mantendo sua cadeia de custódia e integridade. Na parte experimental, utilizado
    como prova de conceito dos procedimentos propostos, foram usados dois smartwatches, um da fabricante Samsumg e outro da apple, por serem as líderes de mercado neste seguimento, e a partir desses dispositivos procedeu-se à extração de dados sem o acesso de superusuário (root) do sistema, com o uso de diversas ferramentas, dentre elas, softwares proprietários de empresas especializadas, e também softwares dos fabricantes dos dispositivos. Para análise dos dados foram utilizados softwares de código aberto. Mesmo sem o acesso de superusuário, e mediante a utilização do procedimento operacional proposto, foi demonstrada a recuperação de informações relevantes a partir dos smartwartches testados, tais como: agenda telefônica,
    registro de chamadas, lembretes, fotos de perfil de contatos telefônicos, ultimas redes sem fio conectadas, dados de hardware e software instalados, fotos e vídeos salvos nos dispositivos, atividades físicas, informações sobre cartões bancários, entre outras.

  • INFRAÇÕES AMBIENTAIS NO MOSAICO DE CARAJÁS, SUDESTE PARAENSE, AMAZÔNIA ORIENTAL: Uma investigação espacial dos autos de infração e sua relação com a paisagem

  • Data: Aug 29, 2023
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  • O Mosaico de Carajás compreende a Serra dos Carajás, uma imensa província mineral, situada no interior da Amazônia, na região norte do Brasil. O Mosaico é composto por seis Unidades de Conservação e uma Reserva Indígena. As áreas protegidas do Mosaico sofrem bastante pressão antrópica, sendo alvos de constante fiscalização dos órgãos ambientais visando combater infrações ambientais. O diagnóstico dessas infrações é essencial para tomada de decisões e gestão integrada, bem como auxiliar na avaliação dos impactos ambientais e no monitoramento ambiental. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar a distribuição espacial dos autos de infração ambiental no Mosaico de Carajás. Para isso, utilizamos os bancos de dados de autos de infração do Núcleo de Gestão Integrada do Mosaico de Carajás (NGI Carajás) do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) e do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA). Esses dados foram trabalhados em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica), utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento, tais como a espacialização, estimativa de densidade de Kernel e a caracterização do uso e ocupação do solo. Os resultados demonstraram a efetividade das áreas protegidas no combate a infrações ambientais, apresentando baixa infrações quando comparado ao sudeste paraense. As infrações aconteceram principalmente na zona de amortecimento do mosaico, especialmente na região noroeste e leste. Nos limites das áreas protegidas, as infrações acontecem principalmente na FLONA do Tapirapé-Aquiri e na FLONA Itacaiúnas. Categoricamente, o desmatamento é o principal responsável pelas autuações ambientais na região e está intimamente relacionado com a conversão de floresta nativa em pastagem.


  • Data: Aug 28, 2023
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  • Neste trabalho, coletou-se resíduos nas sobrancelhas do atirador, uma área não convencional, utilizando fita de carbono e analisada a persistência dos resíduos até 8 horas após o tiro. Foi utilizada uma espingarda calibre 28, comumente encontrada e usada na região Sul e Sudeste do Pará. A técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplada à espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios-X (MEV/EDS) demonstrou ser eficiente na confirmação do tempo de persistência dos resíduos (GSR - Gunshot Residues) nos intervalos de 2, 4 e 8 horas após realização de tiro e posterior coleta nas sobrancelhas de um atirador. Para 2 horas após a realização do tiro foram encontradas 16 (desesseis) partículas em ambas as sobrancelhas, para 4 horas 1 (uma) partícula na sobrancelha esquerda e para 8 horas 1 (uma) partícula na sobrancelha esquerda. O método atual, que utiliza o reagente de Rodizonato de Sódio, não fornece resultados conclusivos, sendo necessário detectar chumbo (Pb), bário (Ba) e antimônio (Sb) em uma única partícula para confirmar a origem do GSR Também foi utilizada no estudo a técnica FTIR que também não forneceu resultados conclusivos. Nessa região do estado do Pará, Brasil, há a necessidade da utilização de uma técnica mais robusta para identificar resíduos de tiros de arma de fogo (GSR), que atenda às demandas das autoridades policiais e judiciais.  A técnica supracitada é eficaz, conclusiva, e pode ser implementada como uma ferramenta auxiliar importante no protocolo forense da região.


  • Data: Aug 14, 2023
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  • The objective of this work was to identify the benefits of remote sensing tools to aid in forensic studies on asphalt pathologies on highways. Through images obtained by different technologies (Google Earth, Google Street View and Drone), an attempt was made to identify structural and dimensional characteristics of pathological manifestations in asphalt pavements on highways, compatible with those recommended by DNIT Standard 005/2003 – TER. The Case Study research was used as a methodological design, where data on pathologies were collected in stretches of the BR 158 Highway, located near the municipality of Santana do Araguaia - PA. The adopted methodology was summarized in carrying out, in loco, the mapping of the pathologies with their respective geographic coordinates and the recording of the images through the Drone. Right away, image acquisitions were performed (Google Earth and Google Street View). With the exception of the Drone images, the others were obtained at a fixed workstation, and treated in such a way as to provide the necessary visual quality for a better interpretation of their characteristics. For Google Street View and Google Earth, past images related to the periods 06/2022 and 12/2022 were used, and Drone images, the period 02/2023. After the steps described above, a comparative work was carried out between all the images, where it was possible to identify significant changes for some defined points, while others, less relevant modifications, however, all remained altered throughout the periods studied. In this sense, it is possible to state that the tools proved to be efficient for recording and extracting images related to the defective points, and demonstrated, in addition to accuracy and agility, benefits in terms of the possibility of being able to observe the existence of changes in pavement compliance. It is therefore concluded that, although the Satellite images have demonstrated certain limitations regarding the definition of characteristics related to the structure and dimensioning of the pathologies, that the methodology proved to be innovative and possible to be adopted for purposes related to the object of this work, as it provides fast and accurate results. In addition, it demonstrated that it is possible to use it as a method in the process of comparing present and past images, in order to indicate the existence of any alteration in the conformation of the asphalt pavement, and thus contribute to the aid of forensic analysis, with regard to the conclusion of a possible case.


  • Data: Aug 14, 2023
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  • The objective of this work was to identify the benefits of remote sensing tools to aid in forensic studies on asphalt pathologies on highways. Through images obtained by different technologies (Google Earth, Google Street View and Drone), an attempt was made to identify structural and dimensional characteristics of pathological manifestations in asphalt pavements on highways, compatible with those recommended by DNIT Standard 005/2003 – TER. The Case Study research was used as a methodological design, where data on
    pathologies were collected in stretches of the BR 158 Highway, located near the municipality of Santana do Araguaia - PA. The adopted methodology was summarized in carrying out, in loco, the mapping of the pathologies with their respective geographic coordinates and the recording of the images through the Drone. Right away, image acquisitions were performed (Google Earth and Google Street View). With the exception of the Drone images, the others were obtained at a fixed workstation, and treated in such a way as to provide the necessary visual quality for a better interpretation of their characteristics. For Google Street View and Google Earth, past images related to the periods 06/2022 and 12/2022 were used, and Drone images, the period 02/2023. After the steps described above, a comparative work was carried out between all the images, where it was possible to identify significant changes for some defined points, while others, less relevant modifications, however, all remained altered throughout the periods studied. In this sense, it is possible to state that the tools proved to be efficient for recording and extracting images related to the defective points, and demonstrated, in addition to accuracy and agility, benefits in terms of the possibility of being able to observe the existence of changes in pavement compliance. It is therefore concluded that, although the Satellite images have demonstrated certain limitations regarding the definition of characteristics related to the structure and dimensioning of the pathologies, that the methodology proved to be innovative and possible to be adopted for purposes related to the object of this work, as it provides fast and accurate results. In addition, it demonstrated that it is possible to use it as a method in the process of comparing present and past images, in order to indicate the existence of any alteration in the conformation of the asphalt pavement, and thus contribute to the aid of forensic analysis, with regard to the conclusion of a possible case.


  • Data: Aug 14, 2023
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  • This work presents the development of a web system for the expert assessment of sidewalk accessibility, focusing on compliance with the Brazilian technical standard NBR 16537. The system aims to provide a comprehensive and efficient tool for forensic experts and planned urban planners to accessibility of sidewalks and identify areas that had improvements to ensure the inclusion and mobility of people with disabilities or reduced mobility. To develop the system, it was carried out in two stages, in the first stage a review of the scientific literature was carried out to identify relevant studies and articles on sidewalk accessibility and expert estimates. In the second stage of making the web system, it integrates several functionalities, some legal engineering expert reports were analyzed to extract the main items listed in the expertise involving tactile flooring. The system has an interactive interface for data collection, a georeferencing module for spatial analysis and a comprehensive database of sidewalk characteristics and compliance criteria based on NBR 16537. Therefore, the system allows forensic experts and urban planners to perform secondary inspections of sidewalks, record observations, and generate detailed reports that highlight nonconforming elements and recommendations for correction. The presented web system works as a valuable tool to conduct sidewalk accessibility estimates in accordance with NBR 16537 and that can significantly contribute to the identification of accessibility problems, guidance of targeted projects and creation of more inclusive urban environments.


  • Data: Aug 12, 2023
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  • As ciências forenses sempre estiveram presentes em um quantitativo significativo de fatos históricos e relevantes na humanidade. De seu prelúdio do estudo anatômico pós morte até as tecnologias mais sofisticadas, estas sempre buscaram a elucidação de crimes e a construção de uma cadeia de custódia forte e consolidada. Porém, ainda há limitações em alguns dos métodos de investigação forense, como, por exemplo, a técnica de autópsia, onde há limitação humana no que se refere à análise de lesões em pequena escala. Como forma complementar aos métodos tradicionais utiliza técnicas de imageamento por radiação de carácter ionizante em sua modalidade de tomografia computadorizada, para análise de fraturas em ossos do crânio e da face, em vítimas de mortes violentas. Esta técnica complementar pode ser otimizada mediante o auxílio de redes neurais convolucionais para análise profunda das imagens. Esta pesquisa buscou desenvolver uma técnica de análise das imagens produzidas em virtópsia para auxiliar os diagnósticos forenses. O delineamento metodológico deste trabalho, inicialmente, realizou a construção de uma massa de dados de servidores PACS, com imagens DICOM e JPEG totalizando 820 imagens. Durante o tratamento dos dados foram retirados os artefatos e ruídos secundários. Utilizou-se para o treinamento e teste de redes neurais o software Orange data mining Ⓡ desenvolvido pela Universidade de Ljubljana localizada na Eslovênia. Foram utilizados de redes neurais com arquitetura de 16, 19 camadas e com também com a arquitetura intercept. Após análise dos resultados, identificou-se que a rede intercept obteve as maiores acurácias, sendo de 0,993 e 0,973 KNN e TREE respectivamente demonstrando um resultado promissor e amplo potencial para outras aplicabilidades e novos segmentos a essa pesquisa e a sociedade.


  • Data: Aug 12, 2023
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  • This work aimed to identify the implications of the use of geotechnologies in the forensic analysis of a case of landslide that occurred on the BR 230 Federal Highway. The research had as methodological design the Case Study. The study area analyzed was a stretch of the BR-230 highway, in the urban perimeter of the municipality of Marabá-PA, where there was a landslide, which was observed in loco and through interpretations of satellite images provided by Google Earth Pro. In the case researched, it was verified, in the act of analysis, that the damages on the margin of the point of the highway researched were, at least, thirteen months without recovery, that is, the technique also allows the verification of the recovery time of the highway (public works). It was concluded that several factors contributed to the fact remaining until July 2023 and that since July 2022 there has been no recovery work. The methodology used in the investigation of landslides can be adapted and applied in other similar situations, not limited to landslides on the Federal Highway. This approach could be valuable for forensic investigations in other areas affected by landslides.


  • Data: Aug 11, 2023
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  • The present work sought to address the existing interdisciplinary between Law and Engineering, within the scope of reception services and its implications in the field of administrative improbity, and the content will be published on its own website on the internet, accompanied by a dictionary of terms of easy query. The objective of this work was to analyze the interdisciplinary between Law and Legal Engineering in the context of the analysis of reports and/or engineering opinions by legal operators in administrative and judicial proceedings related to administrative improbity in shelters located in the state of Pará. For this, a comprehensive research was carried out on the interaction between the areas of Law and Legal Engineering in the specific context of shelters in the State of Pará and a forensic web dictionary was developed that contains the technical terms applied to shelters more commonly used in technical engineering reports related to impropriety, in order to facilitate understanding and communication between Law and Legal Engineering professionals. For the development of the forensic dictionary, an analysis of Legal Engineering opinions/reports presented in the instruction of judicial and administrative processes, Conanda resolutions and national and international standards for the basis of forensic technical terms was carried out. Therefore, the forensic dictionary combines a technical language that can be used in the understanding of documents/reports and be a language facilitator for law operators, as well as the completeness of its terms within the area of the impropriety process.

  • Crimes Cibernéticos: uma análise para o município de Belém-Pará.

  • Data: Mar 1, 2023
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  • Este estudo objetivou investigar a dinâmica de crimes cibernéticos ocorridos no município de Belém/PA no período de 2018 a 2022 fazendo o levantamento dos crimes cibernéticos mais prevalentes, classificando-os, além de identificar o perfil das vítimas deste tipo de crime. Para alcançar tal objetivo, usou-se neste estudo, procedimentos oriundos da pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e pesquisa de campo. Para a pesquisa de campo foi realizada coleta de dados estatísticos, referentes aos crimes cibernéticos, produzido pela Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Estado do Pará. Sendo que, a metodologia empregada para o desenvolvimento dos gráficos se baseia na utilização da linguagem de programação Python para processamento e análise de grande quantidade de dados. Assim sendo, o estudo se debruça em abordagem quantitativa, análise estatística e interpretação dos dados. Os dados possibilitaram identificar que o crime de maior destaque foi o crime de Estelionato, seguido dos crimes contra honra (calúnia, injúria e difamação) e o crime de invasão de dispositivo informático. Notou-se ao perfil das vítimas que, quanto ao sexo, a prevalência maior foi do sexo feminino; ao quesito profissão, foi identificado vítimas nos mais variados e independentes seguimentos profissionais; em relação a faixa etária, a maior prevalência está entre os adultos de 35 a 65 anos de idade; A região de Belém com maior ocorrência de crimes cibernéticos está no distrito central do município, onde se concentra os bairros de classe média alta da capital do Estado do Pará.

  • New Psychoactive Substances: Comprehensive reviews of their psychopharmacological effects and analytical methods

  • Data: Feb 27, 2023
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  • New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are substances of abuse that are not internationally controlled by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs or the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, but which pose a great threat to public health. The increasing use of NPS is associated with more intense effects, and lower cost, in addition to not being identified in standard drug tests. NPS can be classified according to their main action on the central nervous system (CNS), being stimulants, cannabimimetic, depressants, and CNS hallucinogens. The use of NPS can cause strong dependence, however, the consequences of long-term use are still unclear for most synthetic drugs, and this requires further studies to obtain a better understanding of their effects. Another problem is the difficulty in identifying and controlling the drug the authorities, considering the speed with which a new substance enters the drug market. Faced with these questions, the objective of this work was to elaborate a bibliographic review of the main effects of NPS on the CNS according to their psychopharmacological activity, this being the first chapter, and in the second chapter, a systematic review was elaborated on the main validated analytical methods for identification of NPS in biological samples. It is hoped that this work will facilitate an understanding of the main mechanisms of action and potential health risks caused by this emerging class of drugs and that the synthesis of analytical information may facilitate the choice of the best method to be applied by the authorities in the identification of NPS.

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