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  • Training processes: Practices and challenges for Inclusive Education in an early childhood education center in the city of Marabá-PA.

  • Data: 29/12/2023
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  • The aim of this paper is to analyze the main challenges faced by child education teachers in inclusion of children with disabilities in a Child Education Center in the municipality of Marabá-PA. The interest in investigating this theme arises from the experience at the school where I work. The subjects of this research are standard classroom teachers. The subjects of this research are standard classroom teachers. Thus, the research was realized using a qualitative approach. A semi-structured script with open questions, was used as a data production tool. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, analyzed, and discussed, guided by the theoretical framework. The research indicates that the family acceptance of a child with a suspected disability; slowness in screening children with suspected disabilities by the special education department for referral to health professionals; lack of an trainee to accompany the children; insufficient resources and materials; co-participation of the Specialized Educational Assistance teachers and; Gap in teacher education are the main challenges, raised by the teachers, for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the NEI. Based on the results of the research and the teachers' demands, themes were proposed for an Educational Circuit, product of the research, to broaden the knowledge of those involved about Inclusive Special Education in child education. Therefore, the lack of teacher education creates challenges in the performance of pedagogical work, and public authorities need to invest in teacher education, as well as in the structuring and reorganization child education in the municipality of Marabá-Pa, in order to guarantee a pedagogical practice in line with the inclusive perspective.

  • Training processes: Practices and challenges for Inclusive Education in an early childhood education center in the city of Marabá-PA.

  • Data: 29/12/2023
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  • The aim of this paper is to analyze the main challenges faced by child education teachers in inclusion of children with disabilities in a Child Education Center in the municipality of Marabá-PA. The interest in investigating this theme arises from the experience at the school where I work. The subjects of this research are standard classroom teachers. The subjects of this research are standard classroom teachers. Thus, the research was realized using a qualitative approach. A semi-structured script with open questions, was used as a data production tool. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, analyzed, and discussed, guided by the theoretical framework. The research indicates that the family acceptance of a child with a suspected disability; slowness in screening children with suspected disabilities by the special education department for referral to health professionals; lack of an trainee to accompany the children; insufficient resources and materials; co-participation of the Specialized Educational Assistance teachers and; Gap in teacher education are the main challenges, raised by the teachers, for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the NEI. Based on the results of the research and the teachers' demands, themes were proposed for an Educational Circuit, product of the research, to broaden the knowledge of those involved about Inclusive Special Education in child education. Therefore, the lack of teacher education creates challenges in the performance of pedagogical work, and public authorities need to invest in teacher education, as well as in the structuring and reorganization child education in the municipality of Marabá-Pa, in order to guarantee a pedagogical practice in line with the inclusive perspective.

  • Collaborative Teaching and the Portuguese L2 Literacy process for the deaf

  • Data: 26/12/2023
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  • Collaborative teaching is a pedagogical method that seeks to promote the active and equal participation of all students in the classroom, regardless of their abilities or limitations. In the context of teaching Portuguese as a second language (L2) for deaf people, the use of collaborative teaching can be extremely beneficial. The L2 Portuguese language literacy process for the deaf involves the development of reading, writing, listening and oral expression skills of deaf students. In this process, collaborative teaching is efficient,as it allows deaf students to interact with other classmates, sharing experiences and knowledge. Furthermore, collaborative teaching allows the exchange of information between students, encouraging the collective construction of knowledge. In this way, deaf people are inserted into an inclusive learning environment, in which they can feel like an integral part of the class and develop their language skills more effectively. To ensure the success of the L2 Portuguese language literacy process for deaf people through collaborative teaching, it is essential that the teacher is qualified and prepared to deal with the specific needs of these students. He must use appropriate teaching strategies and adapt teaching materials, ensuring accessibility and understanding by deaf students.In the Brazilian educational context, in which the implementation of inclusive education principles is legally guaranteed, it is urgent to investigate the educational realities in which deaf students are inserted. Due to hearing loss and the way educational proposals are structured, deaf people face many challenges in the process of their schooling. Due to the need to develop a bilingual education, Portuguese teachers working in regular classes tend to present difficulties in terms of arrangements, instructional procedures, activities, forms of evaluation and adequacy of content that effectively guarantee the participation and qualified learning of students. deaf. The present study seeks to analyze collaborative teaching as a methodological strategy for working in partnership in the teaching of Portuguese for the Deaf, aiming at inclusive pedagogical practices that meet the needs of deaf students. The research will be developed according to the bases of the qualitative approach (BOGDAN, BIKLEN, 2018), as the monitoring of an educational phenomenon, in which the researcher will function as a collaborator in the process together with Portuguese Language teachers who work with deaf students. As a foundation, the type of collaborative research will be adopted, consistent with the proposal to implement collaborative teaching: in which the specialist teacher works in partnership with the common teacher (RABELO, 2012). The study will be developed in a public school in the State of Maranhão, in the city of Balsas, high school classes from 1st to 3rd year in the multifunctional resource room that offers specialized educational service to students. It is hoped with this study collaboration strategies that can be analyzed scientifically and that the effectiveness of this model of working in partnership, can contribute with other experiences and evidence its contributions to the process of schooling of the deaf in High School. With the results of the intervention study in the educational reality, it is expected to contribute with directions in the pedagogical practices of the municipality participating in the research.

  • LEARNING IN THE NATIONAL LITERACY POLICY (2019): an analysis of the GraphoGame Brasil from the perspective of Universal Design for Learning

  • Data: 25/08/2023
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  • Considering the context of advances but also setbacks in education and the catalytic function of technology in the educational context, especially in the from beginning to reading and writing. This work first aimed to analyze the GraphoGame game from the perspective of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which presented the need to investigate the theoretical and methodological perspectives forwarded by the National Literacy Policy (PNA/2019); in order to identify the potential for learning, accessibility and inclusion in practices forwarded by PNA (2019). To this end, 3 studies were carried out: Study 1 analyzed PNA/2019, Study 2 presented GraphoGame Brasil and its perspectives theoretical and methodological, Study 3 sought to analyze GraphoGame Brasil according to the principles and guidelines of the DUA. In this way, it was observed that the theoretical and methodologies presented at PNA(2019), translate an educational policy of technical character that emphasizes a method, resonating uncritical and teaching exclusions that disregard successful national studies that bring the student learning as the center of the process, disregarding the student as a critical subject. Bringing the figure of the teacher into a “banking” approach and also does not present an inclusive teaching perspective for students with disabilities. Aligned with the PNA proposal (2019), GraphoGame Brasil is a Digital Game Simplistic JDA literacy, the vacuum of a didactic/pedagogical dimension and accessibility features presents strong marks of an inaccessible game, its “single model”, is inappropriate for different forms of expression and learning.


  • Data: 12/06/2023
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  • Currently we realize the need to build public policies aimed at educational practices aimed at eliminating barriers to learning at different educational levels. Aware of the important place that the school occupies in the process of development of a society that respects and cares for the constitutional right of education for all and in the continuing education in service for teachers, it is necessary to base a space for reflections and resignification of pedagogical actions that promote school success for all who make up the student community. The main objective of this study is to verify how the Universal Design for Learning (DUA) is presented in research conducted from theses and dissertations in Brazil and its contribution as a teaching methodology for the strengthening of the pedagogical work of a teacher in Basic Education in the scope of inclusive education. For this purpose, we adopted the referrals of a Systematic Review of Literature with the selection of works that address the theme, as well as reflections of inspiration in the self-narrative, carried out by the researcher, who in this work presents herself as a subject of the research in search of reflections that can contribute to the improvement of her professional practice based on the studies undertaken for the development of the research. The educational product, as part of the requirements for the completion of the course, was generated from the research in question, being organized in the format of pedagogical Ebook, composed of proposals for pedagogical guidelines aimed at in-service training for teachers of the Early Years of Elementary School from a design format of continuing education, privileging a model of pedagogical work based on the principles of the DUA, inspired by studies on the contributions of the DUA to the construction of environments that are welcoming to human diversity and different learning profiles, principles that point out as necessary the prioritization of the various aspects of learning as a basis for accessibility in the school environment. The research revealed the possibilities of implementing the DUA In classrooms and in educational networks, ensuring the promotion of inclusive education, it is therefore necessary to invest in teacher training for its effective implementation, which can contribute to break with school practices of ableism and construction of inclusive education systems.


  • Data: 12/06/2023
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  • Currently we realize the need to build public policies aimed at educational practices aimed at eliminating barriers to learning at different educational levels. Aware of the important place that the school occupies in the process of development of a society that respects and cares for the constitutional right of education for all and in the continuing education in service for teachers, it is necessary to base a space for reflections and resignification of pedagogical actions that promote school success for all who make up the student community. The main objective of this study is to verify how the Universal Design for Learning (DUA) is presented in research conducted from theses and dissertations in Brazil and its contribution as a teaching methodology for the strengthening of the pedagogical work of a teacher in Basic Education in the scope of inclusive education. For this purpose, we adopted the referrals of a Systematic Review of Literature with the selection of works that address the theme, as well as reflections of inspiration in the self-narrative, carried out by the researcher, who in this work presents herself as a subject of the research in search of reflections that can contribute to the improvement of her professional practice based on the studies undertaken for the development of the research. The educational product, as part of the requirements for the completion of the course, was generated from the research in question, being organized in the format of pedagogical Ebook, composed of proposals for pedagogical guidelines aimed at in-service training for teachers of the Early Years of Elementary School from a design format of continuing education, privileging a model of pedagogical work based on the principles of the DUA, inspired by studies on the contributions of the DUA to the construction of environments that are welcoming to human diversity and different learning profiles, principles that point out as necessary the prioritization of the various aspects of learning as a basis for accessibility in the school environment. The research revealed the possibilities of implementing the DUA In classrooms and in educational networks, ensuring the promotion of inclusive education, it is therefore necessary to invest in teacher training for its effective implementation, which can contribute to break with school practices of ableism and construction of inclusive education systems.

  • Special Education from an Inclusive Perspective in the Municipality of Porto de Moz- PA: Indicators for the consolidation of public policies.

  • Data: 31/05/2023
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  • This dissertation is situated in the field of educational public policies, focusing on public policies for Special Education in the Inclusive Perspective. It takes as object of study the Educational Policy of the Municipality of Porto de Moz/PA. The research problem is defined as follows: how are Public Policies on Special Education taking place in the Perspective of Inclusive Education, in the Municipal Network of Porto de Moz/PA? In this sense, the main objective is to analyze the educational policy of the city of Porto de Moz/PA, focusing on special education from an inclusive perspective. This is a qualitative research, carried out through bibliographical research that enabled the development of the state of the art, based on research and document analysis, due to the wealth of information extracted and rescued from the documents, to understand and justify the policies analyzed. In this perspective, given the complexity of the subject, it was decided to use Stephen Ball's Theoretical-Methodological Approach to the Policy Cycle as a public policy analysis tool The authors adopt a post-modern orientation in the area of educational policies. Thus, they understand that there is a continuous cycle formed by three basic contexts: the context of influence, the context of text production and the context of practice. This research was based on authors who address the theme presented, such as Brito Neto (2018), Pires (2008), Glat (2007), Saviane (2003), Zulian and Freitas (2001), as well as the readings of Ball (2002), Mainardes (2006), Mainardes and Marcondes (2009) on the Policy Cycle Approach. The results show the influence of national documents in the context of production of the analyzed official texts, as well as the lack of productions, justified by the absence of the Municipal Council of Education, it was also observed the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the analyzed documents. Aspects such as teacher training, understood here as public policy, were also investigated, demonstrating the themes addressed, as well as the existing gaps in this process. The study corroborated to show that the educational policy in the context of practice is resignified, understanding that in the municipality the policy of special education in the inclusive perspective is still in the process of implementation and consolidation. The research also found the need to build a municipal policy for this aspect, considering the local reality, with effective alternatives for school inclusion, whether in aspects related to supply, as well as the conditions of permanente and school success of the Target Public of Education Special. As an Educational Product proposal, this research aims to present in the form of an Exhibition Panel, as well as an informative insert Indicators from the research carried out, which may contribute to the consolidation of the Special Education Policy in the Inclusive Perspective in the municipality of Porto de Moz / PA.

  • THE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INCLUSIVE SCHOOL: an analysis based on visual impairment

  • Data: 30/05/2023
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  • Inclusive education at school is a topic that provokes deep discussions and questions, and it is necessary to discuss why in some schools that students with visual impairments have, inclusion does not happen, despite having specialized professionals to work with these students. Among the possible answers, we highlight the need to know how school management, based on its function, can contribute to the fact that this process of inclusion occurs. Therefore, this study aimed to identify which management concepts permeate public schools in the municipality of Balsas - MA; verify which actions are conducted by school management with a view to building an inclusive school for visually impaired students in that municipality. Identify the difficulties that managers of public schools in Balsas - MA face to implement an inclusion policy aimed at students with visual impairment. The methodological approach used in the study is of a qualitative nature and to conduct the data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers, in addition to using bibliographic research and document analysis. The data from the interviews were collected by audio recording, and the interviews of all participants were written, which will be tabulated through content analysis, based on Bardin (1977). The theoretical foundation used was based on Libâneo (2016, Lück (1997), Domingues (2010). outros). As partial results, the research showed that school management significantly influences the way an inclusive school for visually impaired students is constituted and that the democratization of management and inclusive education are closely related, which suggests that a school inclusive is a democratic school.


  • Data: 30/05/2023
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  • The purpose of this paper is to understand the contribution of inclusive policies and practices based on the reports of teachers at a rural school in the municipality of São João do Araguaia - Pará, in order to produce formative dialogues. The research problem is centered on the following question: What are the limits and possibilities of inclusive policies for students with disabilities based on the reports of teachers at a rural school? The work has a qualitative approach and we opted to carry out field research, as this allows us to explore issues in greater depth. The methodology also included document analysis and the technique of oral reports, using Bardin's (1977) content analysis. The theoretical contribution is based on authors such as Caiado, Gonçalves, and Sá (2016), and Freitas (2020), who analyze the index and quality of education offered to students in rural schools; Lopes et al. (2016), Caiado, Gonçalves, and Sá (2016), and de Freitas (2020), who defend teacher training for the collective construction of inclusive rural education; Melo (2018), Rocha, Sardo and Silva (2019), who analyze the performance of rural school teachers, taking into account the principles and public policies of rural education and inclusive education; among other authors who enhance the debate about the schooling of people with disabilities in rural schools. Through the narratives of teachers from the 1st to 5th grades of elementary school in a rural school, it was possible to get an idea of how the municipality has been developing strategies based on educational policies to offer inclusive education to students with disabilities. Despite the fact that the municipality, together with the Department of Education, has taken initiatives to advance education, it can be seen that the education system has had little discussion of inclusive public policies at municipal level, and that this gap makes the teachers' pedagogical work in the school environment fragile. One of the factors cited by teachers to emphasize this gap is that there is no ongoing training in the municipality to strengthen the capacity of educators in the school system to improve their teaching. It can be concluded that, with the municipality's current political organization format, effective inclusive education is not being offered to students with disabilities, since structured teaching has not considered the need for planning based on public policies, nor is there a policy that is designed to even the reality of rural dwellers. Thus, inclusive education is not yet a reality in the municipality.


  • Data: 21/11/2022
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  • This research, because it is a professional course, has as its product a platform developed to assist teachers in the process of teaching mathematics, called Web System for Mathematics Teaching - SWEM, developed for blind or low vision students. As another research tool for teachers who teach mathematics in the early years, as a product that makes use of assistive technology, it aims to propose a new teaching methodology mediated by the Web System, developed in this one, which will help the teaching of mathematics. We sought to develop the System for the pedagogical demands of teaching mathematics, considering the shortcomings in the basis of this research, it was necessary to seek literature from other areas to complete the theoretical literature. The system presents a pleasant and playful environment for students and teachers, students also make the digital inclusion of the blind or visually impaired. In addition to the development of this System, a methodology was proposed for use with different levels to maximize the mathematics teaching process, where we hope to achieve the best result in learning.

  • THE INCLUSION OF DEAF STUDENTS IN YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION: reconstructing practices between Special Education and common education

  • Data: 16/11/2022
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  • This research aims to investigate the processes of educational inclusion of deaf students enrolled in common rooms of Youth and Adult Education, in the context of an elementary school unit of the Municipal Education System in the city of Marabá/PA. It also sought to answer the question of how the Municipal Education System of Marabá/PA has been organizing Special Education services to support the inclusion of deaf people in Youth and Adult Education. In order to support this investigation, reflections were made on the process of social and educational inclusion of people with disabilities as part of a reflective trail on the education of the deaf. This trail was theoretically based mainly on texts by Skliar, Gesser, Strobell, Cardoso, Fernandes, Schlesener, Mosquera, Possa and Pieczkowski. Finally, we discuss Youth and Adult Education, the peculiarities of students and the possibilities of inclusion in this modality, based on the references of Junqueira, Souza, Siqueira, Guidotti and Freire. The investigative process presents methodological foundations of the participant research, outlining itself as a case study, the data analysis was carried out using thematic analysis methodology, providing opportunities for the knowledge of the researched reality, which revealed the existence of two teaching modalities, with little articulated actions for the deaf student, with shortages in the continuous training of teachers and the need to adopt new strategies for the construction of inclusive practices.

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